creative discomfort/my bed is my altar. 21/6/2021

By feeling social and cultural stresses, often our creative output is more prevalent. This psychological discomfort drives individuals to create. Like a plant put under stress by its environment, it undergoes an entirely different/unexpected stage of growth to continue to survive.

However, myself and a few peers have noticed a sharp increase in creative thinking in the latter stages of a day, when in phycological comfort or almost asleep, thoughts and ideas become more common as well as original. I am uncertain but this could be linked to dreams in some way. Surely you are closer to the state of mind undertaken when you are fully asleep/dreaming then during daylight hours? This of course is controversial to the initial statement. Is it possible to reach a mid-point, or perhaps the more likely idea that they are two separate cognitive scenarios?

Many creatives stress the importance of discomfort in general and its benefits involving idea generation. For example, some move to areas of the world that are far from perfect, cities and areas of sharp financial and social inequalities when they could move anywhere. Although directly they may not be affected, their environment is – and so they too are affected. But others also stress the need for psyche-calming tasks, as if letting imaginative thoughts bloom by addressing those which haunt us.

Living with problems (or truly surrounded by them), alongside being able to stabilise your mind at any time may be part of the puzzle to a better idea generation and overall creative output.